• Case
    New Tobacco Deal Would Would Aid Counties

    The tobacco industry will pay damages to Texas’ 254 counties for health care costs associated with smoking under a tentative agreement reached between negotiators for the counties and state lawmakers.


    Richard Warren Mithoff.


    July 15, 1998

  • Case
    Star lawyer to aid county in quest for tobacco funds

    Harris County has accepted an offer by Richard Mithoff, a well-known local plaintiff’s attorney, to help the county in its bid to win a share of the state’s settlement with the tobacco industry.


    Richard Warren Mithoff.


    April 1, 1998

  • Case
    Families of blast victims sue plant for negligence

    Suit: Dangerous conditions caused deaths

    Families of three victims of a northwest Houston plant explosion sued the company for negligence, contending that dangerous conditions caused their deaths and those of five other employees.

    PublicationHouston Chronicle

    Richard Warren Mithoff, Janie L. Jordan.


    October 25, 1997

  • Case
    Drug use scandal exposes hospitals

    One tragically misplaced epidural anesthetic shot could force a Lubbock hospital to take the lead on an issue that haunts physicians and every other American profession — drug abuse.


    Richard Warren Mithoff, Janie L. Jordan.


    July 20, 1997

  • Case
    Lubbock Hospital Will Police Doctors For Drug and Alcohol Abuse

    A Texas hospital, owned by the nation’s second largest for-profit chain, agreed to police its doctors for drug and alcohol abuse and to ask the state Legislature to review laws that keep secret the disciplinary procedures against doctors.


    Richard Warren Mithoff, Janie L. Jordan.


    July 10, 1997

  • Case
    Lubbock Hospital Settles Suit Following Anesthesiologist’s Mistake

    Drug addicted doctor caused death

    The family of a Lubbock woman who died while in labor two years ago from an anesthesiologist’s mistake has settled with South Park Hospital and Medical Center.


    Richard Warren Mithoff, Janie L. Jordan.


    July 10, 1997

  • Case
    Lubbock Hospital Settles Suit; Pledges Tough Stance on Drug-Testing Policy

    A Lubbock hospital will revamp its drug testing policy and pay damages to the family of a pregnant woman who died in 1995 after she was anesthetized by a drug-abusing doctor.


    Richard Warren Mithoff, Janie L. Jordan.


    July 10, 1997